26 Jun 2019

Seminar, Ascea, 2018



Appearances of the Political, Autumn Symposium
2nd – 5th of November, Marina di Ascea, Italy

In 2015 the study circle Appearances of the Political was formed in Nordic Summer University (NSU). This year it concludes its project within NSU.
The intention with this seminar is to share and exchange knowledge within the scope of the circle and also to maintain and build our network beyond NSU to establish future activities. We invite participants from the study circle along with those who have shown interest in it or, for various reasons, are thought could have an interest in it. Hence, it is not an open and widely distributed call but please share it with others you believe may have an interest.
We hope the study circle can form the basis for seminars, workshops and other activities to build relations for future applications including also funding for research.

Theme of the seminar
Both aesthetics and politics are concepts with a wide range of significances and the combination of them promises only more complications. Presentations should address how both concepts are interpreted and how the combination of them can be approached. Such approaches can relate to conceptual analyses, concrete examples, historical and contemporary cases, and to different fields of art and literature, popular culture and everyday phenomena, communication and design – to mention only a few.
The focus of the study circle is on contemporary phenomena hence historical studies should explicitly address how they add to an understanding of contemporary phenomena.
In particular we invite to a broad understanding of aesthetics to include more recent contributions e.g. in the field of atmosphere/ambiance and not to exclude either traditional understandings or experimental.
The study circle is cross-disciplinary and presentations will reflect both the diversity of participants and how different approaches can inform each other across conceptual and methodological differences. A particular attention should be given to how concepts, theories, approaches and examples can be made accessible for participants in other fields enabling the sharing of knowledge as well as forming a common platform for the study circle’s future work.

Appearances of the Political, Autumn Symposium
2nd – 5th of November, Marina di Ascea, Italy
Albergo Elea, Corso Elea 69
in collaboration with Wassard Elea
Refugium for writers, artists, composers, and scholars.

Friday, 2nd
18:00-20:00   Welcome & Refreshment

Saturday, 3rd
9.30                    Introduction: Appearances of the Political
10.00                 Henrik Juel (Denmark)
The Power of the Camera Presenting Politicians - a study in the rhetoric of camera techniques
Response: Elisabetta Di Stefano (Italy)
11.20                 Coffee break
11.40                 Virgil W. Brower (USA)
Political Phenomenology of Artwork: Aesthetic Dimensions of Populism. (Remarks on Art & Politics in a Totalitarian Era)
Response: Anete Vanaga (Latvia)
13.00                 Lunch
14.30                 Laine Kristberga (Latvia)
Performance Art in Central and Eastern Europe in the Period of Late Socialism
Response: Henrik Juel (Denmark)
15.50                 Coffee break
16.10                 Elisabetta Di Stefano (Italy)
Artification of public space. Mere decoration or political action?
Response: Minna Heikinaho (Finland)
17.30-18.30    Discussions

19.30                 Bus depart
20.00                 Festive Dinner: Menu di Gustazione, Cilentan style at Il Nido,

Sunday, 4th
9.30                    Reflection
10.00                 Minna Heikinaho (Finland)
Mimesis and the Articulating Body on a Stroll in the City
Response: Laine Kristberga (Latvia)
11.20                 Coffee break
11.40                 Bill Thompson (UK)
The Map, the Territory, the Cartographer and the Belief in Secular Isomorphism or the licencing of non-vitalism as a principle of practicing thinking being as a collective
Response: Virgil W. Brower (USA)
13.00                 Lunch
14.30                 Anete Vanaga (Latvia)
Auteur cinema in Latvia as a space to collide agonistic and antagonistic pluralism
Response: Bill Thompson (UK)
15.50                 Coffee break
16.10                 Discussion and conclusion

20.00                 Dinner

Also participating:
Robert Mogensen (Denmark)
Martina Hjertman (Sweden)
Bengt Westergaard (Sweden)
Lars Mogensen (Denmark/Italy)
Carsten Friberg (Denmark)

Wassard Elea, Via La Chiazzetta 27, I-84046 Ascea (SA), Italy.
Email: wassardelea@gmail.com Tel. +39 366 36 16 543.

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